If you combine finances with a partner, give yourselves a personal allowance (joint accounts, budgeting, money)
When I first was married I thought the best way to manage money was have all of our finances combined (including personal spending money). I was absolutely convinced of this. We would learn to be perfectly united and act as one as we managed our money. I no longer believe this to be the case. Issues with Having No Money to Call Your Own When you have no money to call your own it is too easy, or conversely too difficult, to spend money on yourself. Those who find it easy to spend money themselves create waste from overspending. Those who find it difficult to spend money on themselves find dissatisfaction from restriction. When my wife and I married we combined our finances 100% because we thought that would be best. However, we quickly found I was great at justifying my purchases and finding the money in our budget to cover it. My wife, on the other hand, had a hard time justifying spending money on herself when it was considered family money. Neither of us were trying to c...